24. The Zone as a formular

The Zone is a mental state of mind where you are so concentrated and focused on your activity that distractions around you disappear. The Zone is like total immersion. There is no...

25. Mental Gym

President John F. Kennedy’s State of the Union Address January 11, 1962: “The time to fix the roof is when the sun is shining” You could also say “In times of peace,...

26. Pace Control

Take a look at Phil Mickelson when he walks on to the tee box and does his pre shot routine. You can see it here: Notice how slow he moves. It is...

27. Circle of Influence

The circle of influence is a great tool and I used it for many years. Stephen R. Covey described it in his book “The 7 Good Habits of Highly Effective People”.  The...

28. Be Your Own Mental Coach

Golf is much about improving different aspects of the game. My question to you is: how do you know if you improve the specific golf technique you are working on? This is...

30. Target Setting

Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP has a very simple way of setting targets and here comes a little warning. It is a strong tool, use it with care and make sure the targets...