1. Introduction

This book is dedicated to golfers who want to have more fun and better results when playing. It turns out that having fun and getting better results go hand in hand. Here...

3. Keep your head up

Sorry to confuse you. I know. Normally they say keep you head down. But this is not golf techniques. This is mental strategies. Keep your head up is important (Chin up). Did...

4. Self-confidence

Trust in yourself, believe in it, self-confidence how many times did you hear or even say that. Where does this confidence come from when you stand over the ball and you are...

5. Calm and collected

Stay calm and collected. Easy to say, hard to do. Like many other skills this skill needs to be trained and you need to know how to train it if you want...

6. Pre-Shot routine

The pre shot routine is essential if you want to play golf from your comfort zone. The good thing about the pre shot routine is that it allows you to step into...

7. Post-Shot routine

Did you ever see a golfer throw his club through the air just after a bad golf stroke? Or did you ever see a person that did an ok golf shot and...

9. Wait routine

We must preserve our mental energy for all 18 holes because it does not work if we use all our mental energy on the front nine. That will just leave us with...

10. Focus in many ways

We normally hear about focus where the idea is to focus on one single task or at one single focus point. Much like a laser focus. Everything else than the focus point...