6.1.3. Model of the World

In this chapter, we will explore a fundamental component of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) called the “Model of the World”. Our Model of the World is our subjective perception and understanding of the reality around us. It is our unique way of interpreting, organising and making sense of the experiences we have in our lives. In order to use NLP effectively, it is important to understand and be aware of how our Model of the World affects our behaviour, communication and results.

A Model of the World refers to our internal representations, beliefs, values, attitudes, experiences and perceptions that together make up our individual understanding of the world.

It is important to recognise that our Model of the World is subjective and unique to each person. Two people can have different perceptions of the same event or situation based on their individual Model of the World.

Our Model of the World filters and focuses our attention on certain aspects of reality and ignores or overlooks others. What we choose to focus on influences our perception and behaviour.

Our early experiences and impressions play a crucial role in forming our Model of the World. We learn through our family, culture, school and society, and these experiences can shape our beliefs and assumptions.

To simplify and organise our experiences, our brain uses generalisation, deletion and distortion. This can affect how we perceive and interpret future events.

Feedback loops: Our model of the world is not static, but changes and evolves over time. We use feedback from our experiences to adjust and update our Model of the World.

Our Model of the World influences our behaviour and communication with others. It can shape our choices, attitudes, language and interactions.

Sometimes our Model of the World can contain limiting beliefs that prevent us from reaching our full potential. By identifying and changing these beliefs, we can release our limitations and achieve more success and fulfilment in our lives.

NLP is about expanding our Model of the World and increasing our flexibility in thought patterns and behaviour. By being open to new ideas and perspectives, we can enrich our lives and interactions with others.

NLP offers a range of techniques and exercises to explore and change our Model of the World. This can include visualisation, reframing, accessing resources, changing language and much more.

A more open approach to our own world and the world of others can help us challenge our existing World Model and explore alternative perspectives. By asking questions and listening, we can help ourselves and others expand our horizons and gain new insights. We have seen this happen in excellent leadership situations at both PCB and Danske Capital.

Understanding our Model of the World is crucial to using NLP effectively. By recognising that our perception of reality is subjective and subject to change, we open the door to personal growth and development. Through exploration and awareness of our Model of the World, we can free ourselves from limiting beliefs and achieve greater success, satisfaction and harmony.

6.1.4. Values and beliefs
Everyone has a set of beliefs, but some beliefs enable us to perform excellently, while other beliefs are the cause of our failures. Therefore, our beliefs are extremely important for our behaviour and results.

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) focuses on the connection between language, thoughts and behaviour. This is because the way we use language and our inner dialogue influences our behaviour and results. NLP works to change limiting language and thought patterns to create positive change.

Successful outcomes can be modelled and learnt from others. By studying how successful people think, act and communicate, you can learn to replicate their patterns and achieve similar outstanding results.

In this chapter, we will explore the core beliefs and values that underpin NLP models. These beliefs form the foundation for the way NLP practitioners and leaders apply NLP techniques and methods in their work. By understanding and embracing these beliefs, we can gain a deeper understanding of NLP’s approach to leadership and personal development.

One of the core NLP beliefs is that people have all the resources they need. This means that we all possess the necessary abilities and potential to achieve our goals and succeed. By identifying and activating these inner resources, we can overcome obstacles and create positive change in our lives and leadership practices.

Another important belief in NLP is that people create their own reality. This means that our perception of the world is constructed through our language, thoughts and experiences. By changing the way we think and communicate, we can change our perception of situations and achieve better results.

In NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), there is a difference between values and beliefs.

Here’s an explanation of both terms:

Values: Values refer to the principles, beliefs or criteria that guide our actions and decisions. Values are deeply personal and represent what is important and meaningful to us on a deeper level. Values can include things like honesty, freedom, compassion, success, creativity, adventure, accountability, etc. They reflect our core principles and can influence our behaviour and decisions. Values are more general and abstract than beliefs.

Beliefs: Beliefs are the thoughts, attitudes or ideas we have about ourselves, other people and the world around us. Beliefs are more specific and concrete than values. They are often based on our past experiences, upbringing, culture and environment. Beliefs can be positive or negative and can have a huge impact on our behaviour, performance and self-image. Examples of beliefs include “I’m not good enough,” “I can do anything,” “people can’t change,” etc.

NLP works with both values and beliefs to create positive change and personal development. Values help define our overall purpose and direction in life and leadership, while beliefs influence our perceptions, attitudes and behaviours. By identifying and changing limiting beliefs and strengthening our supportive beliefs, we can unlock our full potential and achieve desired results.

NLP also recognises the importance of the influence of thoughts and language on our behaviour. By changing our inner dialogue and using more appropriate language, we can influence our behaviour and achieve desired results. This is central to the NLP approach to leadership, where effective communication and behaviour is essential to building strong relationships and creating positive change in organisations. Values
In this chapter we will explore the core NLP values that form the foundation for the way NLP practitioners and leaders apply NLP techniques and methods in their work. These values act as guiding principles and help create a framework for personal development, communication and leadership. By understanding and embracing these values, we can gain a deeper understanding of NLP’s approach to leadership and personal growth.

Authenticity: Authenticity is an important NLP value that is about being authentic and honest in our actions and communication. It’s about being true to yourself and others and avoiding role-playing or being fake. In NLP, we are encouraged to express ourselves honestly and transparently to create genuine connections and trust.
Example: A leader who demonstrates authenticity is open about their strengths and weaknesses with their team. He/she is authentic in their communication and shows vulnerability, creating a trusting work environment.

Flexibility: Flexibility is an important NLP value that is about being open to different perspectives, ideas and approaches. It’s about being willing to adapt and adjust our behaviour and communication to achieve better results and strengthen relationships. By being flexible, you can better meet different needs and situations.
Example: A leader who demonstrates flexibility is open to new ideas and listens to different points of view within the team. He/she adapts his/her leadership style to the needs of employees and is willing to try different approaches to achieve success.

Empathy: Empathy is a key NLP value that is about being able to put yourself in the shoes of others and understand their feelings and perspectives. It’s about actively listening, showing compassion and respect for other people’s experiences and needs. By empathising, you can build deeper relationships and create a supportive and inclusive work environment.
Example: An empathetic manager shows interest in the wellbeing of employees and actively listens to their challenges. He/she shows understanding and offers support, creating a culture where employees feel seen and heard.

Excellence: Excellence is a key NLP value that is about striving for outstanding results and continuous improvement. It’s about having the mindset to do your work in the best possible way and striving for personal and professional growth. By focusing on excellence, you can drive motivation, innovation and success.
Example: A leader who values excellence sets high standards and encourages their team to strive for the best. He/she provides feedback and recognition for good performance and creates a culture where employees are motivated to achieve excellence.

Conclusion: NLP values, including authenticity, flexibility, empathy and excellence, are the foundation of effective and positive leadership practice. By embracing these values, leaders can create an authentic and supportive culture where employees thrive, communication is effective and results are outstanding. By integrating these values into their leadership style, NLP practitioners can contribute to a positive change process for both themselves and their team.