6.6 Yesterday: Formulate a vision and turn it into yesterday’s results

6.6.1 Up Time Trance
The perception of time has a huge impact on the way we perceive reality. By actively listening to and utilising the time cues a person uses in their communication and description of their experiences, you can support the desired change by changing time cues and choosing other time cues. This is often done via the so-called up-time conversation form – Up-time trance.

In contrast to Down-Time Trance, Up-Time trance is usually conducted as an ordinary form of conversation where the person actually believes they are present, even though they are on their way to or in “dreamland”.

It happens naturally to us, for example, when we watch TV. A really good film draws us into the story and we may even identify with one of the main characters. It also happens when the middle manager talks about a future vision and idea of what it will be like to work in the new organisation once it is implemented. The better the manager is at describing and narrating the new world, the more we are drawn into it and may even begin to form our own images of it.

When you experience an “Up-time trance”, your brainwave activity has most likely changed from a standard “Beta Brainwave” to either a “High Beta Brainwave” or a “Gamma Brainwave”, which allows you to focus more easily on what is happening. outside of yourself.

When you experience a “Downtime Trance”, your brainwave activity has most likely shifted from what we call a “Beta Brainwave” (which simply means you are experiencing a standard waking consciousness) to either an “Alpha Brainwave” (which is basically a light to medium trance) or a “Theta Brainwave” (which is basically a medium to deep form of trance), which allows you to more easily recognise and focus on what is happening inside yourself.

Hypnosis is simply the conscious use of these two forms of trance as a tool to help ourselves and/or others achieve our goals in life.

6.6.2 Deep Trance Identification
Deep Trance Identification (DTI) is a technique in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) that involves studying and adopting the characteristics, behavioural patterns and ways of thinking that a person, often a successful or capable person, exhibits. It involves entering a deep trance-like state to achieve an immersion into your own or another person’s world.

Here are some key points of Deep Trance Identification:

Deep Trance: The process often involves inducing a deep trance state, where the affected person enters a state of heightened awareness and focus. This can help increase sensitivity to the details of one’s own behaviour or the specific behaviour of the person being studied.

Pattern Adoption: The goal is to “adopt” or internalise the mental, emotional and behavioural patterns of oneself (in terms of transferring the success pattern to other areas) or of the person being studied. This can help those affected to develop new ways of thinking, feeling and acting that are similar to the model person.

Learning by Imitation: DTI assumes that one can learn by imitating others, especially those who have success or expertise in a particular area. This is based on the idea that by adopting the same patterns as an expert, you can achieve similar results. As mentioned earlier, this also applies if you want to transfer your own patterns of success to other areas of behaviour where you can benefit.

Understanding and Integration: The process involves not only copying behaviour, but also understanding the underlying thought patterns and beliefs that drive the desired behaviour. This helps to create a more deep and lasting change.

It’s worth noting that DTI is controversial and not necessarily recognised by everyone within the NLP community. Some believe it can be effective, while others believe it can be problematic, especially if not performed correctly or ethically. As with any technique, it is important to understand and respect the ethical guidelines and responsibilities in the use of NLP techniques such as DTI.

6.6.3. Teleological design
Teleological Design, also known as Goal-Oriented Design, is a powerful concept in NLPTM which is invented by Joseph Riggio. It refers to the process of setting and achieving goals by focusing on the desired outcome and working backwards to create a clear and actionable plan.

In Teleological Design, we emphasise understanding the desired state or outcome with as much clarity as possible. This involves asking specific questions to define what the person or organisation wants to achieve and what it will look like when the goal is successfully achieved. By visualising the end result in vivid detail, individuals can align their thoughts, feelings and actions to move towards their goals.

Once the desired state is established, NLPTM practitioners guide individuals through a series of steps to develop an effective strategy. This strategy is designed to bridge the gap between the current state and the desired state, taking into account available resources, potential obstacles and preferred learning and communication styles.

Throughout the process, individuals are encouraged to draw on their internal resources and creativity. NLPTM recognises that everyone possesses unique strengths and abilities that can be harnessed to achieve their goals. By utilising these resources, individuals can build confidence and motivation, leading to greater success.

One of the key aspects of Teleological Design is its flexibility. NLPTM recognises that goals can change or evolve as individuals progress on their journey. Therefore, the approach allows for continuous evaluation and adaptation so that the desired outcome remains aligned with the individual’s values and aspirations.

In addition, Teleological Design can be applied across various fields, such as personal development, business, education and sport. The process empowers individuals and organisations to take control of their destinies and create the life they envision.

In summary, Teleological Design in NLPTM provides a dynamic and goal-orientated approach to achieving success. By focusing on the desired outcome, developing effective strategies and drawing on internal resources, individuals and organisations can navigate their way to remarkable achievements. Through this process, NLPTM helps people realise their true potential and create a meaningful and enriching life. Teleological Design – a brief description
Teleological Design can be described as standing AFTER we have achieved our goals and looking back at what we have gone through and done. We realise that we have reached our goal and that we are happy to have achieved it. We look back and see the milestone immediately before the goal. This is the third goal, before it is the second goal, and before the second goal is the first goal.

Before the first milestone is the present, but we look back at the present from our point of view, which is after the goal and the celebration of the goal. The present and goal are referred to in the past tense, and we look back at the present from our point of view, where we also look back at the celebration of achieving the goal.

As we memorise these five points through conversations with our coach, we look back at the five points, four of which are goals or milestones. We refer to each point in the past tense and, of course, we remember to describe the goals visually, aurally and kinaesthetically. That is, with images, sounds, things we feel and things we sense.

The first interim goal becomes our first step towards our ultimate goal. It shouldn’t be too ambitious. It should be a goal that we can achieve relatively easily. We need to get started in a good way.