6.4 Key agenda: Finds one common agenda for all involved

NLP’s SMARTER is a structured approach to goal setting that helps a person set well-defined and realistic goals. Each letter in the word “SMARTER” represents an important aspect of goal setting:

  1. Specific: The goal should be clearly and precisely formulated. It should answer questions like “What do I want to achieve?” and “How will I know when I’ve achieved it?”
  2. Measurable: The goal should be measurable and quantifiable so that progress and results can be evaluated. This means setting clear criteria to assess the achievement of the goal.
  3. Attractive (Achievable): The goal should be attractive and motivating to the person. It should be something that inspires them and creates a strong drive for action.
  4. Realistic: The goal should be realistic and achievable within the person’s abilities, resources and circumstances. It should be challenging, but still realistic to achieve.
  5. Time-bound: The goal should have a clear timeframe or deadline for achievement. This creates a sense of structure and prioritisation so there is a focus on achieving the goal within a specific period of time.
  6. Exciting: The goal should be engaging and inspiring to the person. It should evoke enthusiasm and a sense of meaningful achievement driven by the person’s interests and values.
  7. Reevaluate: This aspect is about continually reevaluating your goals and decisions. Throughout the process, the person should take time to reflect on their progress, results and relationship to the goal. If necessary, the goal should be adjusted or updated to ensure it is still relevant and aligned with their wants and needs.

By including reassessment as an important part of the SMARTER methodology, goal setting becomes more dynamic and adaptable. It allows you to adapt to changing circumstances and new discoveries along the way and ensures that the goal remains meaningful and motivating throughout the process. The SMARTER method of reassessment is an effective approach to goal setting in NLP practice.

6.4.2 The logical levels
The Logic Levels is a model in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) introduced by Gregory Bateson and later developed by Robert Dilts. The model describes different levels of perception and experience that people perceive and communicate on. These levels represent hierarchical layers of information processing and are useful for understanding, analysing and influencing behaviour and change at different levels.

The logical levels usually include the following:

Environment: This level refers to the external context, the physical environment or surroundings in which a person finds themselves. Here we ask – WHERE:

  • Where are you?
  • What surroundings and environment are you in?
  • What does it look like?
  • Who are you with? How do they treat you?

Behaviour: This level covers the observable behaviours or actions that a person performs in a given situation. Here we ask – WHAT:

  • What behaviour do you have? … do you see?
  • What are you doing?
  • What actions are taking place?

Capability: Capability refers to the skills, competences or abilities that a person has that enable them to perform certain actions. Here we ask – HOW:

  • How do you do what you do?
  • What skills do you use?
  • What are you capable of that you haven’t yet realised?

Beliefs/Values: This level encompasses the beliefs, values and attitudes that a person holds. These often shape behaviour and guide decisions. Here we ask – WHY:

  • Why do you act the way you do?
  • What is important to you in doing so?
  • What do you think about most?

Identity: Identity is the level at which a person defines who they are and how they see themselves. It is more fundamental than beliefs and encompasses one’s perception of self. Here we ask – WHO:

  • Who are you when you do what you do and think the way you think?
  • What defines you as you?

Mission and Vision (Mission + Vision): This level refers to your overall purpose or mission in life. It encompasses your connection to something bigger than yourself. Here we ask – WHERE:

  • What is your purpose?
  • What else can you see yourself doing/being?
  • What are you a part of that is bigger than yourself?

In this model, it is assumed that change or development in a person can occur by affecting the higher levels via changes in the lower levels. In other words, changes at lower levels will usually affect the higher levels, but changes at higher levels will not necessarily affect the lower levels. For example, if a person changes their values and beliefs (level 4), it can have an impact on their behaviour, abilities and even identity.

These levels are used in coaching, therapy and personal development to analyse and address different aspects of a person’s experience and to help them achieve desired changes.