6.2.5. Milton Model I-II 

The Milton Model is part of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and is named after the famous hypnotherapist Milton H. Erickson. It is a language model developed by NLP founders Richard Bandler and John Grinder that describes the indirect communication that Milton Erickson was known to use in his therapeutic sessions.

The Milton model consists of a series of linguistic techniques and patterns designed to create a deep connection with a person, increase flexibility in communication and stimulate the unconscious mind. It is primarily used to induce trance-like states and open up creative solutions to problems.

Here are some key aspects of the Milton model:

  1. Indirect language: The Milton model uses indirect language, where the meaning of the message is not obvious or explicit. This leaves room for the person’s own unconscious mind to fill in the meaning and create their own experience.
  2. Ambiguity: The model deliberately uses ambiguous statements and phrases that can be interpreted in multiple ways. This creates a form of ambiguity that can engage the unconscious mind and stimulate creativity and reflection.
  3. Use of metaphors: The Milton model includes the use of metaphors and figurative expressions that can reflect a person’s experiences in a symbolic way. This can help create deeper understanding and access unconscious resources.
  4. Suggestion without direct demands: Instead of giving direct instructions or imposing opinions, the Milton model uses subtle suggestions and hints at possibilities for the person. This allows more room for the person’s own decision-making and empowerment.
  5. Overwhelming the senses: The model also uses overwhelming the senses so that the person’s attention is directed internally, which can lead to a deeper state of focus and trance-like states.

The Milton model is particularly useful for therapeutic purposes as it can help build trust, create a relaxed atmosphere and bring about positive changes at a deeper level of consciousness. It is also used in communication contexts, where flexibility and the ability to adapt to different personalities and communication styles is essential.

The meta model in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) represents a complex set of communicative tools and techniques designed to delve deeper into language use to reveal and challenge any generalisations, distortions or deletions. This approach, developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, strives to create a more precise and clear form of communication. In this section, we have chosen to write about the tools that we think are the most important in the Meta model:

In the context of generalisations, the meta model is designed to clarify and specify. Often statements come in the form of broad, unspecified generalisations and this can lead to misunderstandings. The metamodel uses precise questions like “Who says that?” or “In what situation?” to encourage more specific information and avoid over-generalisation.

Distortions in language imply some form of inaccuracy or exaggeration of reality. This is where the meta-model comes into play by demanding more concrete information. Questions like “In what way exactly?” serve to clarify and eliminate ambiguities.

Deletions, where important information is left out, are also challenged by the metamodel. It uses precise questions such as “How specifically?” or “What was the process?” to obtain the missing details and create a more complete understanding of the context.

Precision in language is a fundamental part of the metamodel. This means avoiding vague and imprecise terms in favour of more specific expressions. By asking questions like “What do you mean by…” or “Can you give an example?” the metamodel encourages accurate and detailed communication.

The metamodel not only seeks to improve communication between people, but also to raise awareness of language use. By challenging and clarifying linguistic inaccuracies, the metamodel contributes to deeper understanding and clarity in communication.

These elements of the metamodel illustrate how this approach in NLP strives to create a more precise, detailed and effective form of communication through an in-depth analysis of language use and its impact on our perception of reality.

6.3 Watch: Seeing, listening, feeling and following the reaction – gathering more data
6.3.1 Submodalities
In Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), “submodalities” refer to underlying details or qualitative aspects of our sensory experiences. These aspects span visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, gustatory and olfactory sensory experiences. Submodalities provide more nuanced information about how we represent and perceive our memories and thoughts.

Here’s a breakdown of some common submodalities within the different sensory modalities:

  • Visual submodalities:
  • Size: Is the image large or small?
  • Brightness: Is it bright or dark?
  • Colours: What colours are present?
  • Clarity: Is the image clear or blurry?
  • Motion: Is there movement in the image?
  • Auditory submodalities:
  • Volume of sound: Is it loud or soft?
  • Pitch of the tone: Is the tone high or low?
  • Duration of sound: How long does the sound last?
  • Direction: Where is the sound coming from?
  • Kinesthetic submodalities:
  • Pressure: Is the sensation hard or soft?
  • Temperature: Is it hot or cold?
  • Movement: Is there any movement in the sensation?
  • Location: Where do you feel it in your body?
  • Gustatory submodalities:
  • Intensity of flavour: Is it strong or mild?
  • Texture: Is it smooth or rough?
  • Temperature: Is it hot or cold?
  • Olfactory submodalities:
  • Intensity: Is the odour strength strong or weak?
  • Quality: How do you describe the scent?

In NLP, submodalities are often used in the context of behaviour change and personal development. By changing these underlying details in the way we mentally represent our experiences, we can potentially change our emotional responses and behaviour. For example, changing the size or colour of a mental image can change the emotional intensity or meaning we attach to it.

6.3.2 Framing
“Framing” in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) refers to the way we structure our experiences through mental representation and language to give them a specific meaning or context. It’s about how we perceive and interpret events, thoughts or emotions based on the frame or context we use.

Framing is crucial because it influences our perception of the world and our reactions to events. NLP explores how to consciously change frames to achieve more desirable outcomes or alter one’s perception of a situation. Here are some key points related to framing:

Positive vs. Negative Framing: An event can be interpreted differently depending on whether it is presented in a positive or negative frame. For example, a challenge can be seen as an opportunity for growth (positive frame) or as an obstacle (negative frame).

Changing Frames: NLP exercises often involve experimenting with changing frames to alter one’s perceptions and emotional reactions. This can help create more positive and constructive ways of dealing with challenges.

Metaframe: Metaframing refers to changing frames at a higher level of abstraction. This involves changing the way we look at our own and others’ perception or interpretation of a situation.

Language and Framing: Word choice and language play a crucial role in framing. It is important to be aware of the words we use as they can affect the way we and others perceive a situation.

Framing in NLP is closely related to the idea that it is not the events themselves that determine our reactions, but rather the way we communicate and the way we mentally represent and interpret these events. By changing frames, you can potentially change how you and others experience and respond to the world around you.