6. NLP tools in HAWK – The EYE Model

In the following, we describe a number of NLP tools that we describe in this book. A large part of the tools were also found when we interviewed the managers at Danske Capital, YDUN95 and PCB. The NLP tools were used to a highly varied degree. In the books “Do What You Do Best!” by Henrik Wenøe & Dr. Joseph Riggio and “NLP at Work” by Sue Knight you can find all the details. Here we have endeavoured to include the most relevant NLP tools for the excellent middle manager. Most tools can be used anywhere in the HAWK-EYE model, the degree of use is context and situation dependent. However, below the NLP tools are only mentioned once:

6.1 Hunt: Non-stop hunting for information and data
6.1.0. Starting point
According to Henrik Wenøe in his new NLP system, there is a clear division between the negative red zone and the positive green zone. Likewise, there is a line between the past and the future.

We can think of a positive experience from the past, which we call “Present State” or PS. We can also think of a very positive experience from the past, which we call “Present State Plus” or PS+.

Similarly, we can think of a future experience, which we call “Desired State” or DS. We can also think of a very positive future experience, which we call “Desired State Plus” or DS+.

Some people choose to focus on a negative past experience or decide to think about a negative future experience. This may make sense in some simple situations, but when working with complex challenges, it’s important to look at the positive aspects and opportunities to achieve desired outcomes.

Whether it’s in sport, work or personal goals, experience shows us that being negative doesn’t lead to positive results. It’s better to focus on the positive and use it as a source of motivation and inspiration to take the necessary steps towards success.

By working from the green positive zone and building on positive experiences and desires, we can more easily reach our goals and thrive on our journey towards personal growth and achievement. It’s about taking the first step with a positive attitude and using it as a springboard to reach new heights and achieve success in all areas of our lives.

6.1.1 VAK – representational systems
NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) representational systems refer to the different ways in which we perceive, process and represent memorised information in our minds. According to NLP, our perception and understanding of the world is shaped through our senses, thoughts and emotions, and we use different representational systems to create meaning and communicate with others.

The primary representational systems in NLP are:

Visual: This representational system is about our ability to perceive and process visual information. It includes images, colours, shapes, symbols and visual imagery. People with a strong visual representational system often think and communicate in images and use visual metaphors and analogies.
Auditory: The auditory representational system is about our ability to perceive and process sounds, tones, voices and words. People with a strong auditory representational system often think and communicate through speech and sound, paying attention to timbre, pitch and rhythm in communication.
Kinesthetic: The kinesthetic representational system is about our ability to perceive and process bodily sensations, emotions, touch and movement. People with a strong kinaesthetic representational system often think and communicate through bodily sensations, gestures and the use of body language.
In addition to these primary representational systems, NLP also recognises other representational systems such as olfactory (smell), gustatory (taste) and tactile-kinesthetic (physical touch).

In NLP, working with representational systems is about understanding how a person prefers to perceive and process information. By identifying a person’s primary representational system, you can adapt your communication and presentation of information to match their preferred way of understanding and learning.

NLP representational systems are useful tools in leadership, coaching, communication and personal development as they allow us to create better connection, understanding and effectiveness in our interactions with other people.

6.1.2 Predicates
In Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), “Predicates” or “Representational Systems” are an important part of communication and understanding how people perceive and process information through their senses. Predicates refer to the language structures that a person uses to express their thoughts, feelings and experiences.

In NLP, five main representational systems are usually identified, also known as “VAKOG”:

Visual: People who prefer the visual representation system often use visual images, colours and pictures when thinking and expressing themselves. They often express themselves by saying things like “I see what you mean” or “That seems to be good.”
Auditory: People who use the auditory representational system focus more on sounds, tones and listening experiences. They typically express themselves using words like “I heard you clearly” or “Let’s talk about it.”
Kinesthetic: People who favour the kinesthetic representational system emphasise physical sensations, touch and body language. They often express themselves with phrases like “I feel good about it” or “It makes me happy.”
Olfactory (Olfactory): While not everyone has this as a primary representational system, some people can express themselves through smells and odours. For example, they may say, “That smells nice” or “I can smell smoke.”
Gustatory: Like the olfactory representational system, it is less common as the primary representational system. It involves taste sensations and flavours. For example, they may say, “That tastes amazing” or “I can taste the saltiness.”
NLP practitioners use the knowledge of these representational systems to improve communication with other people. By identifying and observing the language structures a person uses, you can build a better understanding of how they perceive the world around them. This allows for more effective communication as you can adapt your communication style to match the other person’s primary representational system.

By being aware of and utilising predicates in communication, NLP practitioners can create a deeper connection and better rapport with others. It also allows you to use different communication styles to reach different types of people and achieve better results in conversations, coaching or interactions in general.

Here’s a list of words and phrases relevant to each of the primary representation systems – visual, auditory and kinaesthetic:


  • See
  • Image
  • Sight
  • Clear
  • Bright
  • Darkness
  • Colourful
  • Transparent
  • Appearance
  • Perspective
  • Field of view
  • Focus
  • Brightness
  • Blurred
  • Foggy
  • Translucent


  • Hearing
  • Sound (Audio)
  • Silent
  • Noise
  • Speech
  • Voice
  • Listening
  • Sound
  • Music
  • Rhythm
  • Pitch
  • Melody
  • Words
  • Speech
  • Clarity
  • High
  • Low


  • Feeling
  • Touch
  • Pressing
  • Pinch
  • Soft (Soft)
  • Hard, hard
  • Temperature
  • Pain
  • Comfortable
  • Uncomfortable
  • Vibrating
  • Cold
  • Warm
  • Comfortable
  • Movement
  • Stable
  • Balanced

Although olfactory (smell) and gustatory (taste) representational systems are not usually the primary representational systems for most people, they can still play a role in communication. Here’s a list of words and terms relevant to olfactory and gustatory representation:

Olfactory (Smell):

  • Odour
  • Flavour
  • Odour
  • Perfume
  • Fresh
  • Musty
  • Floral
  • Smoke
  • Fruity
  • Spicy
  • Pungent
  • Mild
  • Strong
  • Pleasant
  • Unpleasant

Gustatory (Taste):

  • Flavour
  • Flavour
  • Sweet
  • Salty
  • Sour
  • Bitter
  • Umami
  • Spicy
  • Mild
  • Spicy
  • Fruity
  • Tart
  • Savoury
  • Pleasant
  • Unpleasant
  • Delicate
  • Nauseating

These representational systems are more rare as primary, but they can still play an important role in communication and experiencing the world for some people. When communicating, it’s good to pay attention to whether people are expressing themselves through these senses, as it can give you a deeper understanding of their experiences and preferences.

Keep in mind that this list is not exhaustive and there may be more words and phrases relevant to each representational system. When communicating with others, it can be useful to pay attention to which words and language structures they use the most, as it can help you establish a better connection and understanding of their perception of the world.