30. Target Setting

Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP has a very simple way of setting targets and here comes a little warning. It is a strong tool, use it with care and make sure the targets you set are the targets you really want. 

Another warning is about the number of targets you set. If you set too many targets that will end up being counterproductive. And the road between successes will be too far. 

Think of the feedback circle by Anders Ericsson in chapter 29 or Targeted training in illustration 29.1. If it takes too long time for you to get around in the Targeted training circle you might end up with less information and motivation. This is one more reason to set realistic targets. That will make sure you reach you short term targets relatively quickly. 

30.1 SMARTEF, the target setting tool

The target setting tool is called SMARTEF and works as a memo technique. Each letter in the word has a meaning. It looks like this:

S = How is the target Specific?

  • Be specific regarding what you feel, what you see or what you hear.

M = How do you measure the target?

  • List specific measurements. How do you know for sure that you have success?

A = Why is the target attractive?

  • Might you have an alternative target that is hidden under this one?

R = Why is the target realistic?

  • Do you need to adjust to reach the target?

T = What is the deadline?

  • Which date and time did you reach your target? 

E = Ecological = Why is the target ok regarding your resources?

  • Why are you able to reach the target regarding your resources like time, family, friends, responsibilities etc? Do you need to adjust to reach the target?

F = Formulate the target in a positive way.

  • This is where you sum up the target in very precise and condensed sentence.

Ask yourself the open questions why, how, what, who, where, when and make sure you have short firm answers to the questions. You might even want to write it down. That will give you a stronger target setting.