1. Introduction

This book is dedicated to golfers who want to have more fun and better results when playing. It turns out that having fun and getting better results go hand in hand. Here is the recipe for you. Not that it is not the one and only way, but it is indeed a way to get there.

You will find absolutely nothing about mechanical golfing techniques, but you will find tons of inspiration for your mental game.

The most prominent reason for writing this book is that I studied Neuro Linguistic Programming since 2007 and it is surprising how well it works in my job as Project Manager and trouble shooter. Moreover, a number of books like “Inner Gamer of Golf” and “Zen Golf” helped me on the way to this book. Not to mention the fellow golfers I met on the golf course. Watching how well some people take competitive pressure and how other people time and again let their mental strategies and attitude destroy their own game.

Writing a book like this is a journey and it takes research which means I got tons of input and feedback in the process. This is another reason to write the book because it will lead me to the next step and steepen my learning curve.

When it comes to the use of mental strategies under competitive pressure. Golf is probably the sport where your mental strategy and your mental state has the most impact on your results. This is a key reason for me to write the book because mastery of mental strategies in golf will hand you the best possible mental strategies in fields like education, development, business, and life. I am grateful when this book the program played a role in your life and when it is a factor in reaching your goal.

Please let me know your thoughts & your feedback and let’s grow together.

1.1 Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP

NLP is a psychological method where successful people’s strategies & skills are analysed and then taught and applied to people who then get the same skills.

NLP has shown to be very effective & successful, and it became widespread after it started back in the early 1970’ties.

NLP strategies involve many different patterns or behaviours. You can apply an NLP strategy by copying patterns such as thoughts, movements, breathing and language.

1.2 History of Neuro Linguistic Programming, NLP

John Grinder and Richard Bandler founded NLP at University of California, Santa Cruz back in the early 1970’ties.